• PALM Gallery (Poya and Lillian, Ming),是台北一家專注於當代藝術的畫廊,成立於2023年,團隊由旅法花腔女高音Poya、年輕企業家Lillian和工程師Ming組成,從原本單純對於收藏的熱情,直至希望在台灣市場注入新的血液,以新生代視角和巴黎生活圈爲基礎創立。
    畫廊的使命是在台灣推廣當代藝術及年輕西方藝術家,也同時把台灣藝術家推廣至歐洲,達成一個互相交流的橋樑。藝廊積極引入國際藝術家、與藍籌畫廊合作,接下來計畫同時與台灣年輕藝術家合作,形成多元化的藝術語境。目前展覽涵蓋了各種媒介,包括繪畫、雕塑、装置藝術,每兩個月舉辦個展和群展。PALM Gallery 也將參與多個歐洲藝術博覽會,以擴大台灣年輕藝術家的曝光率。地點座落於民生社區,除藏家以外,也鼓勵民眾與藝術產生互動和交流。
    此外,PALM Gallery 的展覽策劃關注西方潮流、當代社會和環境問題,並探討藝術在這些議題中的角色。這使得畫廊不僅是一個藝術展示空間,更是一個促進思考與討論的平臺。

    PALM Gallery, founded in 2023 by soprano Poya, entrepreneur Lillian, and engineer Ming, is a Taipei-based contemporary art gallery. The gallery's mission is to introduce contemporary art and young Western artists to Taiwan, while also promoting Taiwanese artists in Europe, serving as a bridge for cross-cultural exchange.
    Located in Taipei's Minsheng Community, PALM Gallery welcomes both collectors and the public, fostering interaction and dialogue with art. The gallery hosts solo and group exhibitions every two months, showcasing diverse mediums including painting, sculpture, and installation art. It also participates in European art fairs to enhance the visibility of Taiwanese artists.
    Beyond exhibition spaces, PALM Gallery curates with a focus on Western trends, contemporary social and environmental issues, exploring art's role in these discussions.